Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Got That Thanksgiving Stress Yet?

Well, it's official.....schools are out and the grocery stores are packed with people grabbing the last package of dinner rolls.  Thanksgiving is here!

Last week, Kathy and I were talking about our Thanksgiving plans.  I was having a party at my house on Sat. night. for about 25 people and she was preparing to have almost 30 people at her house for the holiday.  If you had been a fly on the wall, this is what you might have heard.

"Where will everyone sit?"
"How will I keep it all warm?"
"How can I keep the men out of the kitchen?"
"Sweet tea or unsweet tea?"
"Flavored creams or just Coffee Mate?"
"Deep clean before they get there or after they leave?"

We were in a deep and serious discussion about all of these questions when Kathy made the most profound statement, "Remember when Granny Lay and your mamaws had Thanksgiving and Christmas at their houses?"  We both started laughing because Granny Lay and both my mamaws lived in very small houses.  Not everyone had a place to sit around the table.  Thinking back on it, just the men had a place to sit.  Most of the women and kids just found a chair or a place on the floor.

Her comment brought back one of my favorite memories that happened at my Mamaw Howell's house back in 1980. It was our Christmas get together and we couldn't wait to eat because that meant we were one step closer to opening presents.  The table was set and we all gathered around to fill our plates.

The only thing missing is the turkey!

It was a delicious dinner but then something happened that no one could have predicted!

Yep...the table crashed.  It split right in the middle.  I guess that turkey weighed more than Mamaw expected.

I don't remember Mamaw saying one bad word......I remember there was dead silence and then everyone pitched in to clean up the mess.  I couldn't tell you what I got for Christmas that year or where I had to sit in that small living room, or if we had sweet tea or unsweet tea.  But we were all together in that tiny farm house and we had just made a great memory we would never forget!

If you are feeling stressed right about now, remember.......no matter what happens on Thursday just turn it into a fun memory for the whole family!

Happy Thanksgiving from Kap and Di

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